Thursday, January 19, 2012

Zinfandel Pear Tart/First Guest Post

I am so delighted to say that I am doing my first guest post over on Chef Dennis's blog!  It is a special priviledge as well as an honor that he extended the invitation.

I am not a bombastic person.  In other words, I am someone who wades into the water.  There are some people that just jump into things.  Some new bloggers jumped in and did everything that there was to be done in the first week (ie guest post, blog hops, etc).  Not me.

Early in my days of blogging publicly, I would panic when I would see Chef Dennis' comment on my blog.  I would think..please, please do not ask me to guest post, I am so not ready!  I knew that he would only ask once and if I said no that it would be my one and only invitation.   So time now has passed, I am not such a newbie and the invitation has arrived.  I was so ecstatic when it did arrive and then my mind started reeling about what I was going to post!

I decided to step out of the box and make something I had never tried before.  I never have made poached pears and had really not dabbled that much in pastry, so the recipe I found was definitely different-a Zinfandel Pear Tart.  I was kind of leery wondering if  I could pull it off or I would be stuck making something simple just to have something to present.  However after making and tasting the tart, I did not one, but two happy dances around the kitchen.  One for the fact that is was a success in my kitchen and the second for that fact that it was going to be for a guest post on Chef Dennis' blog!

So without anymore delay, pop on over to A Culinary Journey With Chef Dennis  to see all the details!